Bill Andel and friends Czech Celebration CZECH BAND

David City Auditorium

Bill Andel and friends Czech Celebration CZECH BAND August 18 5:30 pm at the David City Auditorium with the usual mix of music and humor. Two nonprofit groups (Catholic Daughters) will offer food and delicious desserts (brownie sundaes) (St. Luke’s United Methodist Women) as fundraisers for their worthy causes.

The Toasted Ponies

The Toasted Ponies Sunday, September 9, 2018  3 venues: 1:30 pm at David place 260 South 10th Street, David City; 2:45 pm at St. Joseph’s Villa at 927 N. 7th Street, David City  4 pm at the Cornfest celebration for Bone Creek Museum of Agrarian Art in the Butler County Event Center for those with […]

Community Choir Rehearsals Begin

Little White Church

Community Choir rehearsals for Christmas in Butler County will begin Sunday, October 7, 2018 at the little church at 7th and E Streets, David City, NE at 6:30 pm.

Community Choir Rehearsal

Little White Church

 Community Choir Rehearsals for Christmas In Butler County Concert, in the little white church at 7th and E Streets, David City, NE at 6:30 pm.

Community Choir Rehearsal

Little White Church

 Community Choir Rehearsals for Christmas In Butler County Concert, in the little white church at 7th and E Streets, David City, NE at 6:30 pm.

Community Choir Rehearsal

Little White Church

 Community Choir Rehearsals for Christmas In Butler County Concert, in the little white church at 7th and E Streets, David City, NE at 6:30 pm.

Community Choir Rehearsal

Little White Church

 Community Choir Rehearsals for Christmas In Butler County, in the little white church at 7th and E Streets, David City, NE at 6:30 pm.

Community Choir Rehearsal

Little White Church

 Community Choir Rehearsals for Christmas In Butler County, in the little white church at 7th and E Streets, David City, NE at 6:30 pm.

Butler County One Act Festival

East Butler High School

One Act Festival with all three schools: Thursday, November 15, 2018, 7 pm, EBHS. East Butler High School is at 212 South Madison St., Brainard, NE 68626.

Community Choir Rehearsal

Little White Church

 Community Choir Rehearsals for Christmas In Butler County, in the little white church at 7th and E Streets, David City, NE at 6:30 pm.

Community Choir Rehearsal

Little White Church

 Community Choir Rehearsals for Christmas In Butler County, in the little white church at 7th and E Streets, David City, NE at 6:30 pm.

Community Choir Rehearsal

St. Luke's United Methodist Church

Dress Rehearsal for Christmas In Butler County @ St.Luke's United Methodist Church